Reinforcing Materials
This crepe paper has the greatest elongation of any stretch paper in the industry. It creates a beautiful, well-rounded back, helps eliminate splitting, and reinforces the spine from head to tail. It runs easily, forming a strong bond to the book block with PUR, cold glue, or hot melt adhesive. Extend the material 5/8" onto the sides of your book block for maximum strength and durability.
NEW FEATURE! The LBS production team now has the ability to mark the head or foot of your slit capping materials with a line of color. This new feature will reduce orientation issues when feeding book blocks into your casing-in machine and will eliminate the need for you to mark your capping materials with a pen or marker. To learn more, contact your LBS account manager at 800.247.5323.
Our 70/110Z is a white krinkle paper. It can be used in a wide variety of ways for custom packaging projects. The krinkled paper adds a unique texture to your project. It is available in wide rolls, narrow slit rolls or sheets. Please contact us for a sample.
- FSC® certified
- Elongation: 35%
- Available in 37" (95 cm) and 44" (111 cm) wide rolls, slit rolls, and cut-sheets
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A side-fed white crepe-paper, with slight elongation, used as a capping material.
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